Ending the Week on Coughs and Congestion

Hmm where to start. How about with Echo’s newest (though somewhat minor) milestone? Yesterday while at the mall she started playing with the toys hanging on her car seat handle while in the stroller. Mainly with the intent of putting them in her mouth but it is a start!

Asleep link in hand

In fact she did really well on our date night out. I figure this is mainly due to the kindness of Sean. Wednesday night while speaking on the Internet I mentioned a fussy baby was keeping Ken from the Internet and herself from sleeping. Since he needed to go out anyway (low gas in the tank with this horribly biting cold was making his car cranky) he was kind enough to stop by Walmart for us. He not only picked up the vapour bath that works like a dream, but some drops to clear out her nose. What have worked messy wonders. So as of today she is on the mend but still cranky, coughing and runny nosed from time to time.

Of course LAST night I got zero sleep, thankfully KEN went to bed at a decent hour on the couch (lucky man) and took over for me in the morning so I could get some sleep. She allowed him to work with her in his lap and I was able to rest between feedings and get rid of a horrible headache.

The past two days have been spotty in regards to actual sit down and concentrate work. We had to call an early end to Thursday’s work when Gavin started complaining of a headache from all of his coughing. Today I slept so long we only got in a couple hours of one on one with Mommy. Never an easy task while Mommy is holding a cranky baby and all 4 kids are in the livingroom but we managed. Each of the boys drew a winter picture (Emanuel included) that will be on our Winter/Snowflakes poster and then the twins each copied a sentence about the topic onto paper to be put up as well. Trinity just doodled as she loves to do.

Working on a doodle (pre shower)

Ken managed to  find some time between cranky baby moments to sit down with the twins and make paper snowflakes. I plan on making a pocket on the poster to put those in. They turned out wonderfully and in the time spent doing that the boys and Ken came up with some questions that we need to answer – why are all snowflakes different AND how do trees become paper. The first one is going to take some research and the second some planning. Maybe we will have to make some paper or something and get a book about the topic. BUT it gives me something to plan on next.


The boys finally got their iced cookies yesterday. The icing settled into an almost chocolate/caramel look in the end and apparently tasted just fine regardless of the amount of dye they threw in. We had to be sneaky and give them the cookies while Trinity was asleep as sugar cookies tend to give her a severe rash. She simply does NOT do well with refined sugars in such large quantities.

Mmm cookies (Gavin front)

I finished my last belated Christmas gift… but can only show you the first portion of the pattern. It turned out amazing and once Ken gives it to the ones it is intended for I will post a picture of the whole! So be sure to check back! Next I am hoping on a Dr. Who themed piece to stitch from our designs, though I do have a set of zombie pieces to do as well as the ongoing surprise present. So we shall see what gets done first!

Sneak peak

Emanuel spent his spare time the last two days taking advantage of his personal easel and making us some art to share with you all. He was adamant we take a picture.

Art by Emanuel

Next week is our last week with (she) Chris here… so on Wednesday we are having one last night out just Ken, Echo and myself (she leaves Thursday night). That was why we were able to get out LAST night. I feel so spoiled, 3 weeks with 3 date nights… unheard of in this house!!

Courtesy of Aunty Chris

I plan to keep the girls in all weekend and have Ken take the boys to Sunday School solo. Trinity and Echo FINALLY have their doctor’s appointment Thursday upcoming, I am a little concerned about the boys and their dental appointment on Tuesday and can only hope their coughs will have subsided by then! My hope is that the weather will work in our favour by the next week and we can once again go out as a family to peruse the scrapbook paper section at Michaels…

Tonight is a bit of a loose end night, I am doing what I can around Echo’s napping schedule as erratic as it is and hope for the best!

Yet another snuggly bag style sleeper (this one was Trinity's)

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