IKEA Interrupted

The tooth fairie was SUPER tricky last night and managed a quick sneak into the twins’ bedroom and then stashed a car under Gavin’s pillow – all without waking him! Of course VERY shortly after that happened great shouts of joy and a 5-10 min discussion of said toy was heard coming up from the basement. Gavin even came up after midnight to SHOW us the car! He was VERY impressed that the tooth fairie managed to do all this (and take the tooth) without him hearing her!

the packaging

Homeschooling came to a grinding halt today when I went downstairs after lunch to check on the play room. Apparently cleaning meant hiding things UNDER, BEHIND and BETWEEN things instead of in the appropriate boxes. We really don’t have enough containers but that does not mean we don’t have a perfectly good container WITH A LID for Legos, the same for other things. So instead of frog folder assembly right after lunch the twins were sent downstairs to learn responsibility for their toys and that everything DOES have a place and that place is not a pile in the middle of the floor.

Post clean

Before lunch all 4 kids sat down with markers and coffee filters again. Emanuel had not had the opportunity to make a coffee filter flower yet. So we now haveĀ  4 more flowers. I am well on to having a lovely dozen of those to put on the dining table. And then maybe getting the table cleaned off and having us ALL sit around it.. though I am short a chair. We really need to do some garage sale hunting and find ourselves 6 chairs for our table.


Our newly revised schedule for the weekend is starting to look a little busier. So far Friday is an at home day for us – we have to finish our frog projects, clean up and sort through our drawers (I think we are keeping too much now as the drawers will barely close!) and discuss what we want to focus on next. But we have postponed our IKEA day to tomorrow as well. The boys were just too difficult and naughty to justify our going. A BIG frustration for me as I REALLY wanted to go today but we have to punish accordingly.

Working on frog lapbook

Saturday is a big cleaning day for us. But Sunday we have our zoo trip to visit the frogs and then it is looking like Ken will be helping Ada and Nathan move to their new apartment over by The Mall. Well until 6pm that is when he has to be home to meet up with some friends online. Which brings us to Family Day Monday and Ken’s suggestion that since (at least right now) it looks like it will be slightly warmer weather he may just take the boys sledding. I don’t know if we will include Trinity in that but I am sure she and Echo and I can find something fun to do here. Poor Echo gets chilled easily so I don’t want her out for a long period of time, but I am hoping to put her in her snowsuit and get a picture of her out in the snow… just a brief picture and then back in she goes.

I did do up some 6 month pictures today, in her “I was born in” t-shirt. I think I got a few keepers… in her cloth diaper no less! Though I did cover her legs… she has long skinny legs just like the others (except Emanuel who had long chubby legs) did… she may not be tall in the end BUT she will be leggy!!!

Sitting tall


With diaper

We are working on a new plan clutter wise… since the kids make almost ALL of their stuff here in the home it mostly ends up living here. We simply do not have the room so a couple times a day the twins are sent down to their rooms to go through their clutter – each time at least one item has to be set aside to donate, gift or toss out. That way we only keep what is truly useful and special.

I am going to sit down and make at least ONE of my new barrette patterns tonight I think. It is not something I can do with the kids up as I have to use the glue gun (I would like to replace my low temp gun with a high temp but have yet to look into cost difference). So with some spare time on my hands with our not dropping by the Dollarama today or yesterday to get the containers for the new toys I guess some crafting and ordering of pictures is what I will get going with!

One more

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