Meal Plans, Shopping and Friday Fun

With no new commissions, tutus or pattern request and Kijiji ads going slow I have succumbed to the urge to help out somehow with finances. The big question has been HOW? Well, I have and answer. For the rest of the month I am going to do my very best to have us eat home cooked meals. No take out, less junk and all filling.

I am going to spend the weekend making my menus. Of course this is AFTER the super deal at IKEA.  I figure some baking over the weekend of some of my healthier treats: applesauce muffins, banana cookies, maybe even something with the fruit I have in the freezer with help as well. With 6 full appetites and myself eating more while breastfeeding we so eat a rather large amount!! I have an amazing recipe for beef and gravy courtesy of my step mother we haven’t had in ages. And two recipes for pancakes. One applesauce, the other brown flour.

We made a stop off at the Bulk Barn to get some of our favourites… Egg noodles, shell noodles, chicken broth powder all at a terrific price. We got Ken’s cheese puffs and my yogurt covered peanuts. I even snuck in some real fruit gummie bears. Oh and don’t forget the sour dough pretzels!

Bulk Barn stash

IKEA meatballs was so worth it!! For under 12 dollars all 6 of us were fed. 6 meatball platters, one bowl of amazing soup, a cinnamon bun and 2 refillable drinks. AND it was eating out!!! Almost worth the drive the  the south end to take advantage of the sale one more time before the 4 days is up!



Echo slept through the entire thing and most of our running around chores. Ken managed a little treat for me today – I got “the hat”! I have always been a lover of hats but in recent years could never afford the cute ones. This one was under 20.00 and everything!

The hat

Today the BOYS got mail. Their Grandpa Reinsch/John in South Carolina (my dad) sent each of them a card and some money. They are VERY excited that once we convert it to our currency they can each have a new toy… another new toy.

Thank you Grandpa

Last night I got in a enough time to make up one set of barrettes… I made the candy corn ones from this pattern. Pretty good for a first go. I cut out all the pieces I need to make Trinity a bunny clip but it was going to take too much time and Echo was up off and on being fussy most of the night. There are a couple other patterns on that site I would like to try out, though some require ribbon I don’t yet have.

Candy corn

Saturday is looking like our day to  get things done – we need to put together the twins’ old bed in Emanuel’s room and move that bed into our room and convert it to a crib. With taking today off we are determined to finish our frog lapbook tomorrow. It is bigger than I expected and the boys are very pleased. We are going to put up a poster paper for our Spring poster already with all the pretty foam flowers on our table.

Now I have to go start that meal plan for the week… hopefully we can stick with it!!

Hat thief

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