In the House but not Settled AKA CHAOS

We are moved (mostly) and settling in (slowly) but are still without the most important of the necessities (according to Ken) – internet, phone and tv (bundled of course) so I am currently hiding over at Karyn’s  to have a break from a family way over done due to moving, clutter and general expected chaos. Did I mention BOXES …. oh so many BOXES… cardboard as far as the eye can see (I almost wish I was blind).

We are still in the process of course, with some cleaning left at the old place and a few choice items… Mom and Mike are gone to Ontario via the Mustang and Ken is the sole traveller back and forth… I will, for sure, share the saga that is moving 5 kids, a household, a cranky American and yours truly an hour and a half south. Promise.

I do have a brief list of thank- yous for the helpers we had over the weekend… baby wranglers, lifters, kid chasers, drivers, unpackers, oh the list goes on and on….

  1. Karyn (of course! We are once again back in the same city which has not happened since college much to our collective dismay – and in turn FAT SHEEP!!!)
  2. Ted (who we had over until this morning and will miss dearly and hope will VERY SOON get a car)
  3. Lauralee (who has SOOOOO much patience with the kids we are AMAZED)
  4. Victoria (Echo’s new beloved snuggler… I mean she actually got her to FALL ASLEEP, thank goodness)
  5. Mike (or as the kids call him – Grandpa Mike who drove trailer, helped with some packing and unloading and was bombarded by kids who were over the moon at seeing their grandpa again)
  6. Sean (who drove the U-Haul trailer perfectly and even got in some last minute Echo bonding time)
  7. Alan (one of our strong men and of course as Emanuel proclaimed when he showed up – HIS god-daddy)
  8. Esther (who showed up after the fact but with her usual flair, je-ne-sais-quoi and generous hugs… we hope to see MUCH more of her now that we are so much closer… at least we BETTER)

There is much to share and so little time to type it right now… but I will give a teaser… there is ONE item broken… one scary door moment… lots of driving… a glasses mishap… and CLOSETS!! Check back tomorrow (I hope) night for the next instalment!

Thank goodness we had the laptop and dvd's... SERIOUSLY (Note Fat Sheep and Petite Sheepette bonding)

Check Fat Sheep’s blog for her interpretation of events as well!!!!

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