On the Big Move

2 days in one out of necessity. We spent a nice portion of our time yesterday out as a family in the now repaired van. We had a run to Bulk Barn for some things to take to the new place, and then to H&W for fruit and veg. Of course in between those two places we stopped for a late lunch – Subway! The kids are so out of sorts they really didn’t enjoy it but with the equivalent of 3 footlongs we were all pretty full!

In the Bulk Barn


Echo got her re-do on her needle. Just one small vial this time and the nurses were absolutely WONDERFUL. Still wore her out and she did cry. But they had her sit up in my lap which went MUCH better! Less stress and less holding her down.

Excitement is mounting here for all of us. The boys especially are more than ready to be done with their sharing of one room for all 3. It was fun to work together and get the room emptied out. We wiped the walls, bagged up the extra clothes and drug out the toys. Thankfully Gavin was even willing to wipe out cabinets in the kitchen which freed me up to pack the majority of the kitchen (a time consuming thing to accomplish).

I will be without internet in the new place until Monday morning – that is if there are no accessible wi-fi. So I am hoping to make a trip over to Karyn’s at least once this weekend to post and check email. We will be busy anyway with the unpacking and reorganizing but it is always an odd feeling to know you will be without phone or internet and we don’t have a hooked up cell!! We are so old school.

The boxes amassed way faster than I thought they would. Every time I filled one there was more bits to put away. When did we get so many dishes? Where did all the random clothes come from? Did we really collect this many toys? How in the world did some of this stuff disappear for so long that I forgot I had it and could have used it? I have to admit it – I really ENJOY organizing… the whole idea of moving into a new place and having things the way I want it is rather comforting. One of my biggest hopes and wishes is that after all of this we can get ALL of the kids in the position of feeling able to learn and challenge themselves whenever they want.

Sadly last night I ended up with a horribly painful amount of back pain on my lower right side. To the point where I called Health Links twice and was seriously debating going into emergency. That has caused my assistance with packing to stop cold today. I didn’t actually fall ASLEEP until around 7am when the kids came out and joined us in the livingroom… thankfully the tv still works so they watched cartoons while Ken napped a bit and I got in around 4 hours of sleep but every time I felt a jolt of pain I was running to the washroom until it had degraded to dry heaves. Not the best way to arrive at our last day of shopping. I really do appreciate how much Ken does when I am under the weather!

Position of choice today

This move is becoming quite the epic – or is it already? Thankfully Ken’s parent’s are right there helping us along (well from afar but we can feel their love right here). ACTUALLY we got some amazing news on Ken’s dad – he had to have emergency kidney surgery (this is after the blood clots and  finding out that he has something called Graves’ disease that Ken could also have inherited and WILL be testing for when we are settled) about 2 1/2 weeks ago. A week ahead of schedule he is back to work and feeling fine. It is scary to think of him going through all these things and it is rare that he is far from our thoughts right now.

So with Ted, Sean and Ken hard at work tonight and the house upside down and then some we are finally in the first stages of truly MOVING! Exciting, scary and tiring all at once but the time has come. So I will not be able to post another blog entry until Saturday or Sunday evening. Wish us luck!!

Bitty baby

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