Of Sunshine and VBS

You would think that the bulk of my mending would be boy clothes (having one more and them being bigger and more active than the girls) but this morning was mending day and it was all girl things! Granted for two it was minor adjustments (a shirt that came with a loop too small for the button on the back and a shirt with straps too long) – both for Echo but the other 3 were Trinity’s. She had a button off her nightgown, a dress my mom had fixed/embellished for me needed some fiddling with the butterfly embellishment and the final piece came to us used in need of some love. 

Mending etc. all over the table

Of course today was day 2 of VBS, this time Ken was able to go and drop them off and return home straight away. This was helpful as after letting Echo play around upstairs she was simply ready for nursing and nap. Always easier when Ken can hold her and let me find what I need in our room (clothes for the day, baby items, etc) and then lay her down. She has been waking up early in the morning, being persuaded to go BACK to bed but then waking up a crabby thing later. So an early nap, while inconvenient to get things done in the afternoon DOES leave me with a MUCH happier baby. 

Pre-nap girly play

Trinity spent her boy free time all over the place, first it was computer time (she is actually starting to get quite good at Starfall!), then play doh and finally glue, glitter and shiny bits on paper. 

On the computer

Play doh and pony tails

Busy crafter

The boys returned from VBS with crafts and photos (Emanuel’s was a bit odd as he had hair in his face when they took it but he liked it). Another fun morning with all 3 looking forward to tomorrow. I am so glad that this is a positive experience for them. I just know that come Friday they are going to be BEGGING for Sunday School to start! 

VBS craft, they all removed their pictures to put them on their dressers and display

Our afternoon/early evening was just as exciting but this time for the whole family. The weather, people’s days off AND Ken’s work all fell into alignment enough that we could finally head out to what is locally considered a splash park (certainly nothing like the one where my mom lives BUT the kids were happy). Kristen and Fydo biked from the south end of the city and met us there. 

Sitting in the shade

I was rather impressed, oh not overly by the splash area… though as Kristen said, could they have made it look more dangerous? BUT with the fact that all (yes all FIVE) kids went into the water in some way or another and NO ONE was injured!! Talk about bonus!

Splash "park"

We had time to chat, the kids ran around, Trinity was the LAST one out AND Echo crawled/walked on grass! So many fun moments with two very sweet friends! 

Trying grass on for size

And a surprise haircut to boot!

Spur of the moment haircut decision I am told

After the kids were toweled off we went over to the other side of the park and the regular playset. I was amazed at how the kids did, playing well with others and really going off without the need for us to stand RIGHT THERE. Even Trinity was off on the smaller slide, running around the edges and constantly dumping sand out of her sandals with great disgust (some things NEVER change). We all took a go at the swings though we decided AGAINST putting Echo in the toddler swing… the holes are HUGE for her tiny legs! 


Echo had a busy afternoon of firsts… first the splashing in the splash park, then sitting in a swing (well in a lap on a swing) and then SAND. She was not overly fond of it to be sure but it was fun to put her feet down and try. A woman actually asked her age and in response was quite sweet and flattering. I do believe the words peanut and adorable were used! I love how Ken phrases it when asked – well there is something wrong with her we are working on fixing… oh dear! I have to say (though I may be a BIT biased) she was the sweetest little baby at the park! 


Because yesterday was Echo’s day (completion of much, just one thing left) and this morning my mending time tonight was bows bows bows. As my singed fingertips will attest to (glue gun… low temp my bum!). I figured I might as well get it off the list before returning to other projects… there is a stocking crying out for completion after all… and that has more than just the stitching to do… SOMEONE has to back the darn thing! 


That leaves yours truly with a kitchen table covered in crafting supplies BUT we did get in our VBS picture for the Summer Adventure file! 

VBS Day 2

And now to finish… some random fun pictures!! Until tomorrow. 

Climbing the rock

In the sun


I certainly hope so!

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