Hello Lovely Lily

March 10

There are days when I want to drum my heels and cry about all I have left behind and changed and how I have had to step out of my comfort zone now on a nearly continual basis… and then there are days like today.

Today I not only got to meet the absolutely adorable Lily Irene but I also got to spend one on one time with one of my favourite boys… the ever entertaining and snuggle loving Quinn.

Quinn and Trinity and their poses!! LOL

Even though the darling Miss Lily has been a bit of a fuss budget and was, for a while, refusing to sleep when not held Bree and Scott were sweet enough to allow me in to visit and assist in the breastfeeding education. I do so love passing along all those tips I have gathered that have made me a successful breastfeeding mamma.

The careful supplementation with some formula while the breastfeeding works out… nope, now breastfeeding pictures…:)

It is quite the process

Ken and the kids dropped me off at the hospital and then went off to do their own thing. I actually lost track of time so much I got 3 whole hours with the family! It was so much fun. I am definitely looking forward to our traditional dropping off of a meal and maybe even heading over to help tidy up so Bree has more resting time.

As you can tell, the nights have NOT been restful. Poor Scott

Now for the pictures… I am NOT going to comment on each one… too lazy but CUTE CUTE CUTE… enjoy the baby lovings!

Quinn and Scott watching Phineas and Ferb

The ladies of the hour… I just love the expression on Lily’s face… halfway to a fuss and halfway to something else


Pet the baby

I remember this stage clearly – agitating the baby to make her eat the best she can… make her cry to make her happy lol

All the way down to the skivvies worked the best of course

Ultra sound or in person I DEFY you to tell me that these baby feet are not ADORABLE

Just like my girls… best position in the world, curled up on the boobies! Thank goodness I had Karyn to share the time so I could deal with the other kids!

I love this picture… in all the chaos there is… a smiling Quinn… aren’t kids amazing!


Look at that smile


Lily and Me

And… the end… but expect more… I am going to continue photographing the cuteness out of these kids, my kids… well you see the pattern!

Oh and NOW I can share the gifts I made for her. You can find instructions for the diaper cover HERE and the sweater HERE. Thank you to the creators of these patterns… you allowed me to give something totally meaningful that was well within my crocheting capabilities!!! 

I added two buttons to allow for more adjusting of the waist and added a few rows to the front as it looked short with how tight I do my stitches but CUTE!!

This is one of my ribbon headbands made out of a leg of a nylon of course!

My first piece of real clothing

And then there was the itty bitty mittens I made, they have always seemed slightly useless to me but CUTE. The pattern is HERE.

Teeny Tiny

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