Teeth, Noise and Parental Frustration

I have noticed today more than ever how NOISEY the upstairs neighbors are… banging around and thumping, when the heard of elephants left the building I could finally hear blessed silence… it felt almost unnatually quiet! For most of the day I thought it was just too much noise in the apartment but NOPE those people upstairs — so rude!! There was a loud fight late last night again and some of their noise today was loud enough and abrupt enough for the kids to notice. I know we are a little noisey in here but Ken and I try to be very respectful of the fact that there are other people in the building. I don’t need 100% silence just the feeling that they are TRYING to be fair to the rest of the building.
Poor Emanuel threw up yesterday. He has been cutting another tooth this week… a large one off to the side. Painful! So he has had extra naps and messed up sleeping patterns, poor little guy takes teething hard.
The twins are still fighting me on naps, playing nicely, eating properly… ok basically EVERYTHING. They got into their dresser at the beginning of naps and tore the plastic covers on the few formal gowns I have hanging in their closet to shreds. I am worried about finding all the plastic pieces (it is that flimsy clear almost like wrap stuff) but Ken is to vacuum tonight. Hopefully that will get it all up.
I got the nicest package yesterday. One of the moms in one of the twin egroups I am a member of sent me a book she had extra and thew in a box of fruit snacks and 3 adorable Easter cross stitch patterns!! I have already started on one of the little eggs. They are kits with generic though good quality floss so I sat down and matched colours with DMC floss so I can do them again later. I want to do an egg for each of the boys. My mom said she would help me finish them up.
I got a call tonight from a guy who I went to high school with. He hunted me down through Classmates.com. Right now they have it opened up so you can see stuff you would normally have to pay membership fees to see. I did not see a ton of people I recognized but it is still rather neat to peek around. He is in touch with some people I am no longer in touch with so who knows maybe I will catch up with some other old friends. I wonder if anyone ever comes upon my space or my family site or anything and takes a peek. I did after all only hyphonate my last name.
So an interesting and frustrating day. Hopefully tomorrow will go more smoothly, I am going to try and have the twins play playdoh (messy!!) and then do some cutting and pasting, maybe get down their more difficult square puzzle and then by the time we are done everything with a nap in the middle Ken should be home and off we go for our usual busy Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
This entry was posted on 20/03/2007, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment

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