What is the Punch Line?

I feel like there is some sort of big cosmic joke on us and I am just not seeing the punch line. We seem to have to hit rock bottom before things can get better. Ken has this terrific job, the weather is wonderful, the party next weekend planned BUT and it is a bit BUT Ken is driving to the city 5 days a week, we HAD TO pay off our back owing with the electric company….money has just flown out the window and it is not until the 15th that the money comes in… course the twins’ party is the 12th… so lots of moving of money and squeaking the last little bit out of our credit card… not enough to truly panic but enough to feel that tightness! It is rather frustrating as we are just a week and a half away from two pay cheques and hopefully Ken’s owed holiday pay… and then there is that nice large tax return – so frustrating all that money just out of reach! But thank goodness I have sausage in the freezer mom gave me and a bunch of hamburger, lots of mushroom and tomoatoe soup, tons of Ken’s lettuce.We went to Zellars where I have a credit card that has alot of space and went down their limited dried goods area and got some odds and ends… and I did move money out of my ING account to be cash for me to use over the next week to get odds and ends – not alot since I have not had the account long but thank goodness I thought to open it and have money go in each month! I just keep telling myself after this week it will all get so much better!!
Tomorrow is the 3rd attempt for the twins to get their teeth cleaned and then that afternoon my mom should be coming over to go for a walk – she is going to meet me at Public Health and help out with the dentist. At the end of the week Kathy should be here for the birthday and a little visit. Friday on his way home from work Ken is picking up the cake and ice cream and I have cash set aside for the plates, cups and cuttlery at the dollar store. I have a white table cloth I had bought for painting on and never used, streamers from the last few parties and balloons I had picked up last month. Thank goodness for forward planning! I have already set aside the $15.00 to cover our swim fee too.
I was looking back over the week trying to figure out why I feel so worn out… it has been quite a week – Monday was Ken’s first day at work and then that night he hurt his foot, trip to the emergency room Tuesday morning, then driving out to look for a rental (no luck yet sadly) and crutches then on to Zander’s EEG and neurologist, back home for Ken to work in the city Wednesday… Wednesday afternoon I had to call mom to take Gavin to the walk in clinic for a bad ear ache thank goodness she is willing to wait for the $15.00 we owe her for his medication… Thursday was work again and cloudy weather so no playing outside after walking to the post box and then that night Ken raided so the kids were upset, Friday was crappy weather so no walk inside all day and Ken. in the city —- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let tomorrow be easier!!!
I am hoping we can get our bottles in for the return on Saturday… just need someone to watch the twins since Emanuel can sit in the umbrella stroller and eat a cookie and be content. They are open Saturday mornings though the last time Ken went by they weren’t we are trying to remember if that was a long weekend (they are closed) or not… Fingers crossed.
Tonight I have a big bunch of hamburger to cook up that mom gave me to make burritos for supper and then some left over for Ken’s lunch and curly fries. Maybe make some peas. I baked up the last of my blueberry muffin mix last night and plan on making a dozen banana muffins from the mix I have and pudding for Ken’s lunch. I cannot believe I am out of things like hamburger helper and noodle sides! When we start our larger grocery trips again I am going to have to get an extra box or container ever so often – have a bit of a buffer. Though I did find tons of those squiggly noodles so if nothing else I can make that up for me for lunch.
So baking and cleaning and cooking and tomorrow’s prep work to do along with a load of laundry. Sundays are not overly relaxing but Ken thinks he can return the crutches tomorrow and get his deposit less the dollar a day back! YAY.

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