Hearing Test Results!

Well Ken stayed home today and helped me with taking the twins to get their hearing test done… He took each one in while I watched the other two and I guess they each screamed the whole time but we got some good new – they hear fine!! YAY one less thing to worry about… and lately the twins have been talking wonderfully. It feels good to see them progress only now they refuse to be quiet!! I was told that would happen – I would want them to talk until they started cuz they would never shut up again.
We got our groceries and fabric for my gift for wee Madison. So I have set aside the project for the den Otters and begun hers. I also need to get some pink beads for a nursing necklace. I think I will do that tomorrow with the kids – walk to the dollar store in the morning. Although going past 7-11 without purchasing slurpees may be a bit of a problem… the slurpee is no longer safe from the boys!
Ken is home safe and sound and we have had a couple of wonderful talks putting both of us on the same page. He came back with some gifts for the boys from their Nana and Baba – a tickle me Elmo, a tigger that does cartwheeles and some clothing. He also picked me up a gift – some texturing plates and a set of stamp markers!
So we have a new plan on the house hunt – we are going to keep looking for a house to buy but renew our search for a rental… the market is REALLY messed up right now so we are hoping if we find a rental and work on our credit rating and such maybe things will change in our favour! Right now there are tons of over priced houses just sitting there so, who knows, maybe the perfect rental or buy will land in our lap in a month or two?? We are going to keep positive and keep praying about it.
We are currently discussing how we are going to move the funiture in our livingroom/dining area to better utilize our space… it is hard since we really cannot take anything out of the rooms but I am pretty sure we can improve on it. I also found some unused closet space we are going to make use of. So I am feeling much better being better organized.
Ken was telling me about his trip and all that he saw and did and sadly I guess his Grammy is not looking well, so I have decided to send her more regular pictures more often since she is not a computer user. I really want her to feel involved and loved… I guess she is very much in favour with my staying home with the kids which I REALLY appreciate!
Basically I have decided that today is the start of better things! We are going to find ways to improve where we are until we can be somewhere else as well as streamline how Ken works on things – finding a place and the online store he REALLY needs to get in gear with. Wish us luck! And let us know if you know anyone who needs computer parts!!!!

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