Tag Archive | Netflix

Saturday in Brief

It is hard enough to wake up on a day when plans have been through out the window (as this WAS another potential move in date on the new rental) but add to that the snow on the ground and the chill in the air in the middle (dead center) of April and honestly my heart was not in it. Thankfully my boys woke up right around when Echo did and the fact that today they were NOT grounded off Netflix was enough to make them all perky! If only adults could work the same way on a consistent basis! 

All around the computer

We have had a bit of a lazy Saturday though Ken was able to deal with picking up the bulk of our old damage deposit, one more thing basically off the list. Perks you up a bit to get one more thing done… mostly. 

I am still on the great iPad app hunt and finding more and more interesting ones along the way. We are still going through a list a friend from a homeschooling group gave me. She has a very extensive list, though some cost money so it will keep me busy. Again any and all suggestions I more than welcome them!

iPad time with Daddy

The first of our vehicle picks was not horrible, according to Sean, but would need repairs. So while it is not OFF the list we are hoping number 2 or 3 would be in better condition. The joys of a limited budget I guess. BUT it is a start. We have this week to get it sorted before the trip to the city the following week and Comic Con. I am told by all the guys that this is plenty of time as Ken has already made inquiries and ensured that the vehicles we are interested in are available for test drives. So one step closer to where we need to be to be calm and collected…

And with that I am debating an early bedtime. My sister in law Holly has completed all her procedures and surgeries and should be home either tomorrow or Monday. We are so thankful that her time in the hospital is coming to an end. 

A Victoria owl and his bunny friend

3 Days As I Have Been Lazy!

The weather is keeping my kids focused firmly OUTSIDE! Thursday (I know, my bad… too lazy to blog these past two days!) it warmed right up to the point where I was hacking away at the compacted snow on our sidewalk with just my boots and long sleeved shirt on! This is a rather bad thing for our front walk as our eaves leak like a sieve and pour cold water right onto our front walkway which then ices up horribly! This was a great indication that it is time to drag out the rubberboots. I had to hunt a little as (of course) I could not remember where I had put the bag of them but we were successful. After lining all the pairs I did have up it was very clear that we had a pair that FIT each foot (except Echo) BUT on further inspection Emanuel’s pair simply was not in good enough repair for a 3rd boy to wear them (Cracks down to the lining certainly defeat the purpose). So we will be heading out to ValueVillage and other consignment stores to see if we can find a budget pair for my boy with the ever growing feet! Oh and Echo too… though I am not overly optimistic on finding a pair THAT SMALL. 

Too bad the spiffy shark pair need replacing

But... we still have snow!

I managed to get out to Dollarama that night… Karyn had taken her kitty to the vet to have him checked out (a perilous activity as Dare is NOT people friendly beyond his beloved Karyn) earlier this week and received the diagnosis of DIABETES! So we had to go out for some poutine to commiserate. (did you know that to get insulin for a cat you have to go to a regular pharmacy??) Luckily enough the Dollarama is right in front of the New York Fries so two birds with one stone (well three really as the pharmacy Karyn uses is also in this mall). Anyway, I picked up a GREEN binder and some dividers for our Ireland/St. Patrick’s Day work, some socks for owls (Easter themed of course) and some other random items. I hope to splurge on some more socks later in the month but for now two pairs is enough. 

Easter owls

I have actually been working on a lovely stack of bows this week. I finished my special post surgery bow for Echo made out of ribbon I saved from a wand of Trinity’s that broke. Since I was already working on that one I figured I might as well do a bunch more to make dragging out the glue gun worthwhile. That got me going to the point where I had to take TWO nights to finish most of them. I also have to start hunting for a good deal on alligator clips as I am about out of those. I tried some new styles, glued my tiny bows on slightly differently on some of the clips and played around with colours. If nothing else I have some surplus to use for gifts! 

Not the best photo but what looks whitish is actually pink on these. The post surgery one is on the right.

Echo has finally cut THREE of her 4 upper teeth…her left front, incisor and right incisor (all on Friday)… They are just BARELY cut through. Hopefully this will cut down on her diaper rashes! She is rarely crawling now and all out walking everywhere. It is a little bittersweet… she really isn’t a “baby” anymore, though she IS my baby. Seeing her grow up is a joy, but the reminder that she is my last baby is there. Of course, she IS tiny so that makes it easier… or so I tell myself!

Getting to be such a big girl!

We were alerted to a movie to watch on Netflix – The Secret of Kells. Add popcorn with butter on it to that and I had 4 VERY quiet kids! Of course we had to incorporate some sort of activity afterwards so I used a sheet my sister in law gave me that has a box for a picture and then lines for some writing so that they could write about and draw their favourite portion of the movie. Reading week is to be soon after St. Patrick’s Day I think which will require many of these sheets! And a nice large stack of books for the whole family to enjoy! 

Movie time

I had Kathy come over last night for a visit. We did a run to Macs for snacks (noms), had dinner, visited and cleaned my pantry and tupperware cupboard. I know, riveting! BUT we had fun doing it and now I can actually get anything I need out of that darn pantry without fuss! It wasn’t a lengthy visit but it was a great way to end my week. Good company AND I accomplished something I really needed to sit down and do! 

We took some time to sort out a portion of my bedroom (don’t ask, it has NEVER been completely the way I wanted it!) and I found MORE ribbon! A piece from Trinity’s birthday cake – either her 1st or 2nd, and a piece I used (way back when) as a belt when Trinity was itty bitty. I am thinking they will have to become hair things… though I do believe I was saving one for scrapbooking. I am so far behind on my paper crafting! However, my table full of ribbons and half finished bows is beckoning much louder than my stacks of papers… and once I get those done (and run out of clips to attach them to) well we shall see. 

The top one is the one off of the cake

Today we had a visit from one set of grandparents. With Gypsy in tow of course. This was our first time seeing Mike since he got back from Jamaica so he had some stories to share before he had to run off to an appointment and leave us with Grandma and Gypsy to visit with. 

Going for a walk in the sun... which turned into a walk to the convenience store where they convince Grandma to buy them EACH a slurpee!

Mom also brought all the costumes she made since the last batch! THAT will be a separate entry as there are NUMEROUS costumes… so tomorrow I will be trying them on the kids (well one a piece) and taking pictures as well. I want to take them in on a weekday as Sunday School is always a little rushed and with daylight savings this weekend as well… well time goes by so quickly on a weekend! 

I figure it is time to give a little sneak peek at my WIP… the details are starting to be much more clear now – as is ANY missed or half done stitches (and there have been, I think 2 found so far). Every day I try to spend a minimum of 30 min on this piece and it is starting to pay off. I have high hopes that I will see the end of this one BEFORE the middle of the year… now if anything else will progress while I do – well you know me, MANY projects makes Lisa a happy girl. 

Yup, that is a mandolin!

Other than that I have a sick baby and a sick Emanuel on my hands… so we are not exactly restful here BUT we still have a week and a half until the big day for our baby girl which is plenty of time to get over this! Hopefully over the next week I can get a lot more accomplished. Life just seems to be rushing its way to the 21st with a vengeance! 

Poor sick baby

Today We Learn…

Tuesdays are many things – garbage day, the second day of the week… our first really focused school day of the week when we take the weekend off. This Tuesday you have to add in some sort of stomach bug/cold thing. Nothing extreme just Emanuel, Echo and myself feeling a little under the weather. Though Emanuel felt bad enough to suggest in the morning that he NOT go to the library!!! 

This has not slowed our learning about the Inuit people. I have even MORE videos to share with you all today! Including the interesting fact that what we call an Inukshuk generally (the one that looks like a person) is NOT called that by the Inuit. Instead they have another word for them that mean false person! 

And an interesting piece on hunting and fishing that the boys really enjoyed.

And a very interesting and informative pod cast about Inuit games! I love the creativity and not a single battery to be seen!!

Zander and Ken are still battling out math but today he did a marvelous job reading his Starfall story to go with his book. I am so thankful that someone passed these books along. The site does not require a membership for the stories the books cover so he is able to work his way through without costing me more cash. I honestly cannot thank people enough for passing along their unused and unwanted things for our children. Last night Karyn dropped off some items a co-worker didn’t need for her kids anymore. We actually held some of those back for their birthday! We honestly would not have such a fun school area (ok house) without the generosity of friends, acquaintances and family! 

Working on his reading

We had haircuts tonight with the amazing Cousin Elizabeth who Gavin says must do ALL their haircuts. That meant a visit and TREATS! Such a talented cousin I have! 

Post haircut treats!

So cute!!!

I have been working on a baby necklace. I now have a VERY good reason to purchase more beads as I am about out of my cute and fun shaped ones. Though I have enough alphabet ones to make sentences! I haven’t done a nursing necklace in a while so this was a fun change of pace! I forgot how much I enjoy working with beads and patterns! Time to check out Dollarama. For some reason they tend to have reasonably priced beads. 


Trinity and Karyn made it to the library and back again without incident. I opted to stay home with cranky baby and wait for our spectacular hairdresser. I am working on multiple crafts right now anyway and Echo was in a horrible mood with her runny nose and slight fever. Now I have a list of crafts to complete, tidying to do AND the movie Clue on Netflix to watch! 

Just a little smile to close with

This entry was posted on 07/02/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments