Saturday Sniffles

Last night Emanuel slept half the night in the crib… while it is still in our room I must admit I felt a little sad. Of course he woke up very upset that he was NOT in the bed with us and so was returned to our bed after he ate. Still it really means that he is growing up to me. We added barley cereal to his diet today. We could not get his usual Milupa brand so had to try the new brand in Superstore – Beech Nut. I am definately going to go to Walmart and check for the Milupa barley the next chance I get.
Another milestone for the twins – we put their boosterseats at the table and put away one of the highchairs – the other is remaining out for Emanuel to eat his cereal in – much easier than what I have been doing, simply feeding him sitting on the floor. Those two really are getting grown up.
I really wish I could throw this cough. It is getting to be quite agrivating and I am already tired of the taste of Halls. I am not yet desperate enough to go to Fisherman’s Friends. Ken now has a sore throat and is feeling under the weather. Thank goodness we still have another week until photos at Walmart.
This morning the individual who does hearing tests at Public Health called – we are finally able to get that follow up appointment for the twins – the 4th of November. Hopefully this is not going to result in a need for tubes in their ears. Since Ken has the week of the 30th off and Emanuel’s 9 month appointment is on the 3rd this should not be a problem to get the boys to. What sucks is that Zander’s follow up with neurology is on the 7th! So Ken will have to miss half a day of work in the end.
Well, Ken is out running some final errands before his friends get here and as soon as he gets back with lunch I am eating and taking a nap. Hopefully a couple naps and early to bed on Sunday will set me to rights before too long into next week.

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