Big Changes Coming…

As of today it is official – Ken has given his 2 weeks notice here in town at GWAVA and on the 30th of April he starts in the city at Computronics! It is a scarey, exciting and necessary move. We really didn’t want to have to leave the company and Ken’s office – he does like working with the guys here, but if we didn’t we would slowly be getting deeper and deeper into debt. This new job has a substantial pay increase and lovely benefits and as time goes on he gets more holiday time each year! There are even whispers of him being in a supervisory position someday and the cahnce of us going away for a year – Alan works for the same company and for a year he worked in Charlotte South Carolina!!! That is really close to my dad!!! This does mean that we are frantically hunting down a rental closer to the city so Ken does not have that over an hour commute each way. It also means that in May I am in charge of basically all appointments the kids have. At least I can easily walk to the twins’ dentist appoinment and I called my mom to see if she could meet us there to help control the masses. There is Emanuel’s scheduled boosters in August that I am not sure if I will be able to schedule at a clinic wherever we live. Course Ken could always drop us off for the day at my mom’s and maybe she can take a day off?? So much to work out and plan and an apartment to pack up, people to contact, a church to find… the list goes on and on.
I am so proud of Ken though. He is rather excited, this job has alot of possibilities where in GWAVA there really was no where to promote TO. Ken is a junior programmer here and basically that is what he would stay. It has gotten to the point where we really need to look at this from a logical point of view. If we do not increase his wage we are looking at going basically bankrupt, he has not been happy at GWAVA for a while now – so many things not going the way he had hoped so this is the oppprtunity to do new things and actually make a wage where we can cover our debts and get this… in 6 months get a MORTGAGE! Can you believe it?? We could buy a property!!! WOW I honestly felt like we would never reach that point. So we are looking for a rental we can stay at for a minimum 6 months as we work to get rid of our credit card debt (student loans and the like are not a problem it is those little cards that are the buggers that get you) and then we can look to buy a place!! Frankly at the point we are at now I really thought that would not even be an option for decades.
The weather is finally getting nice and I am starting to really see how trucking all 3 kids outside is going to take motivation… there is something about strapping 20 lbs on my back and pushing 60 lbs in the stroller that is just not a huge motivator. What I wouldn’t give for a yard! I did put Emanuel in the double stroller and the twins on their harnesses and walked to Ken’s work and back. Took me 30 min each way and the walk home was sooo slow! But we did it and I feel good about it. It would be easier with the carrier but it was nice to work those little legs.
Tonight is our celebratory dinner, mom is coming over to watch the twins and we are treating ourselves to Noodle House mmmmm. I am looking forward to it.

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