Tag Archive | Christmas Pageant

Yearly Christmas Pageant

Well it is that time already, though maybe a little bit early being as it was on the 10th of December. Anyway, Christmas pageant at the church time! And the first year where the twins were too old to participate as Sunday School kids. The cut off at our church is when they enter Confirmation and this is their first year of that (and it seems to be going well, they do enjoy class). Instead the two of them assist different Sunday School classes each Sunday and occasionally acolyte.

This Sunday lined up nicely as it was also the Sunday that Gavin was scheduled to acolyte for the same service. Both he and Zander turned down the opportunity to read scripture for the pageant. This was Gavin’s second time acolyting which was worrying enough for him. Though he did a great job. Zander did not feel confident that he could read the scriptures properly with only a week or so notice. He tends to rush when he reads and make word errors when public speaking. Instead he assisted with the practice the day before and dressing up the kids in their costumes. I am so proud of them for stepping up and assisting with the Sunday School at our church.20171210_103823


Now for the other 3. This year Trinity turned down the role of Mary. Not only has she been Mary a few times, but this year there was lines and some singing solos. Nope, not happening. Instead she and Echo were angels. So we pulled out the special dresses one more time and they looked absolutely adorable.20171210_102137


Emanuel’s role of choice has to be one of the 3 Wise Men. We have lost a lot of our boys in Sunday School, or they were not there on Sunday so all there was was Joseph and one Wise Man, but I think they carried it off.IMG_20171210_171551_177

The kids did a special Cherub choir practiced song along with the other musical numbers. It was all rather adorable. I have a couple videos of the singing you can watch.20171210_105741

Ken and I managed to get a few videos taken. Though his phone randomly overheated so not everything is shown. Enjoy!!

After church they were give their yearly snack bag. The younger 3 were sweet enough to share with their big brothers. This whole too old for a program thing is something we are still working on getting used to. Zander sat with me during the service since his job was done once the kids were dressed. We worked on his sermon notes together. That one on one time is so special.20171210_103145


20171210_113258The children did a great job of sharing the message of Jesus’ birth! it is a yearly tradition I will miss once the rest of the kids are too old to participate! I even got in a few pictures myself. 

I bought the silk shawl at Renaissance Festival

I bought the silk shawl at Renaissance Festival



And here are the rest of the group shots. A small but great group.20171210_102506






December… Yup, Still Behind…

Well Well Well… December… Christmas, New Years, hilariously enough writing this at the end of Karyn’s visit when she ALSO visited here in December last year. TIMELY…. And then I got even further behind when summer kicked my bum… so NOW I will get December up and hang my head in shame.IMG_20151231_233322_01

Of course there are the basic first to think of memories… Christmas, including Christmas pageant at the church…DSCN1357[1]

Trinity as Mary

Trinity as Mary

Gavin the shepherd

Gavin the shepherd

Echo the sheep

Echo the sheep

My 2 Kings

My 2 Kings

New Years (at home and quiet with Karyn)… Visiting Santa… fun in the snow… homeschooling, of course… but beyond that I really did have to go to the images. Funny how some months you are like YAH I remember that, and others I really do need visual cues to trigger memories.

At Santa

At Santa

Skype calls with family…DSCN1389[1]

We did not have nearly as much snow as the year previous to the kids’ great disgust. But every time there was any sort of snowfall they were out there mucking around in it. Thank goodness Echo is finally able to maneuver ALONE and UNASSISTED out there.IMAG1942DSCN1396[1]

DSCN1408[1]DSCN1312[1]Now let’s see… we had a SECOND Santa visit at our local YMCA. We love it there (even more so after this summer where we basically spent most of our weekday mornings there). It was great fun to take a pictures as a family this time.IMAG1605_BURST001

We also went with the Schwartz family down the road to a neigbourhood that enters (and it seems WINS) the Christmas decoration competition every year. This year there was one house where you could walk around back in the their yard and get close up to the display you could only see from the road otherwise. IMAG1856

We had Christmas with the Schwartz family of course (yearly tradition!).

Not the best picture but it was great fun.

Not the best picture but it was great fun.

Trinity and I made a Trinity doll for Aunty Karyn to take home, she matched from the top of her head to the tip of her shoes. Not bad? My pattern was an amalgamation of Princess patterns by Kristen’s Kords.IMAG1883

We made pirogi with Nana and Baba. IMAG1952

Went out for Indian food while Karyn was here.IMAG2077

IMAG2076IMAG2075Shopped at Mall of America (because we girls are gluttons for punishment).IMAG2067

Open presents…IMAG2012

IMAG1993Ate giant Reese peanut butter cups.IMAG2040

We snuck in some learning too… a few workbook completions and reading and the larger unit I linked to the resources for above.DSCN1340[1]

DSCN1341[1]DSCN1383[1]And of course take a surplus of pictures! Enjoy my flash WAAAAAYY back!IMG_20151210_201426













December, A Celebration

Even with illness off and on all month December was good to us. We had family and friends to enjoy, good food and amazing gifts. I cannot thank everyone enough for being a part of our world, of our story and of our future.102_0172

December has always been an important month for us. It is a chance for us to share our thanks to all of you with gifts and letters, phone calls and visits. These fingers worked over time and in all honesty are still working on a few belated gifts. I plan to share pictures of most of the items I have made this season in a later entry.

A sneak peek... some of my starched snowflakes

A sneak peek… some of my starched snowflakes

Of course we did a full Christmas unit only slightly hampered by illness this year. With our usual laundry list of education and entertaining books and links. A couple lapbooks to enter into our binder this year as more notebooking pages than anything and lots and lots of pictures. Most importantly, after not having an Activity Village Advent calendar last year we had one this year! A whole series of train cars! Even Echo had her set done…  larger sized and then hole punched and put into a duotang instead of cut out.102_0170


I am so proud of how the kids are managing to work on a balance of working independently and in small groups. We are still finding our stride with noise and close quarters, but I think that will be a continuing battle for as long as we homeschool. Sometimes personalities just clash! Or sing really loudly in the middle of class.102_0223

102_0225We had TWO concerts in December – our Christmas pageant AND the daycare one for Evan. Evan’s was all songs and very cute.102_0175

The choir director even threw a mini party on their last Wednesday practice before Christmas. Trinity was sick so the boys brought her back her very own treat from the party!102_0183

We spent a lot of our December with family story time. Emanuel and Trinity worked together to do an illustrated page for each and every story and we all enjoyed revisiting some old favourites and a couple new ones! Gammie sent us a new story that she recorded herself reading – this time Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Echo especially spent TONS of time sitting there listening to the story over and over again.102_0121

Don’t forget themed worksheets and stories about the season!102_0169

102_0122Of course we had Christmas with the Schwartz family and after Christmas Renee even took the twins out sledding. They had a blast with Nathan and Evan on the hill while Ken and I took the others to the dollar store.

We finished off our first set of swimming lessons with all 5 having them. No movement up to the next level for anyone but all 5 have learned new skills and enjoyed it enough to want to be registered in the new sessions that start up again in January. Thank you so much Nana and Baba for being the ones to instigate and continue these. One of the best gifts ever!

Christmas itself was a quieter occasion with the cousins in Florida but I think the kids had a blast and all their wishes seemed to be answered. You can see our Christmas Day HERE.

Christmas Eve Dinner

Christmas Eve Dinner

We even had snow! No where near as much as last year but with that minor disappointment for the kids was paired a lovely lacking of those lengthy freezing cold days we experienced the previous winter as well!102_0135


I always enjoy the creativity that comes immediately after Christmas with new presents and new eyes for the old ones.102_0222

102_0226I have to say now that December feels a distant memory. I am sure that if I HAD been on the ball this entry would go on and on but I have to admit, checking back months later.. thinking about events and people and checking through the pictures has given me a chance to relive a rather amazing month. I think 2015 is going to be a year of counting blessings as I reflect back on each month to share our experiences and joy with the world around us!IMAG0966