Tag Archive | Grandma

Happy Birthday Miss Echo

6 years old… where has the time gone? My wee bionic baby is now 6 years old!! (for more on the journey that was her heart surgery go HERE, HEREHERE, and HERE) Since she is now a self proclaimed BIG GIRL she was in charge of planning out her wish list for things to do.IMG_20160813_133418

First of all, Wednesday before she joined us for shopping at Sam’s Club so she could pick out her very own birthday outfit. She settled on an adorable dress that cost me less than 6.00! Score! Then on Friday we went all the way to Target so she could pick out her own cake, candles, and icing for Daddy to write on the cake with… Pokemon, pink and white and pink.

Sign by Trinity

Sign by Trinity

20160813_09175320160813_091944Her requests were pretty simple… but first she had to FaceTime with Nana and Baba and open her present from them and THEN talk to Grandma on the phone.20160813_093351

Next was the all important task of going to Toys’r’us to get the one thing Echo has been asking for for almost a whole year – her very own 18 inch doll. With 12 options it was a VERY serious decision!IMG_20160813_160500

After that was accomplished it was off to McDonald’s. Specifically one with a PLAY AREA. Ken and I had forgotten how loud those places are! She was so pleased. (we made sure to pack socks)IMG_20160813_160912

THEN it was off to the pool… which turned out to be closed for filtration issues… so we brainstormed with our homeschool buddies who were joining us and headed over to our favourite beach for presents, playing and general fun stuff.IMG_20160813_160351


20160813_15255220160813_144124Our  evening was topped off with a visit from our friend Anthony, Chinese for dinner… CAKE of course…IMG_20160813_195620

And a most awesome costume gift!

Batman Girl with BATTLE SWORD

Batman Girl with BATTLE SWORD



I think we did good. She snuck into our closet at bedtime with her sword and her doll under the very blanket she was given post surgery. Happy Birthday little darling!20160813_232725

This entry was posted on 18/08/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

A Very Happy 8th Birthday to Miss Trinity

Hard to believe she is 8 already… And definitely her own girl as well. When asked what she wanted to do for her birthday this year she had a rather conclusive list:

  1. Go to the YMCA to swim with JUST mom and Echo… so Daddy drops us off and LEAVES.
  2. Opening presents with her brothers.
  3. Dinner at Culver’s with the whole family.
  4. Cake or cupcakes with Aunty Darcy and her boys (that last one will have to wait until a weekend of course).

The pool was basically empty (on the non lane side) except for us and after a minor blip of having forgotten out goggles and toy bag and having to call Daddy to drop them off we had a blast. I had to get the iPad out and email Ken to wait an extra half hour and come get us later.IMAG2906DSCN1521

DSCN1522DSCN1524I even packed a snack bag for the girls and myself. Echo angled successfully for an additional treat at the vending machines… I swear they ALWAYS go for the most irresponsible choice, though at the YMCA really the worst snack you can get is the rice krispie square.DSCN1529

We had a lovely stack of presents for Trinity to open, including a few items for the others. We had lovely parcels sent all the way from Canada and Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie, the items I made for Calli from our family AND a selection from Gammie all the way from Texas! Add to that yesterday’s FaceTime call from Nana and Baba and a phone call from Grandma in Canada after dinner and I think we did a good job covering the gift wish list.IMAG2910

IMAG2913IMAG2917IMAG2925Our afternoon had some minor classroom work, after all Mommy is a teacher at heart now, but for the most part we played on the new DS2D and hung out together in the bedroom.DSCN1540

Supper was at Culver’s, though Ken was kicking himself… WEDNESDAYS right now (apparently) are 2.00 kids meals… oops. Well we still spent less than you would eating out as a couple at a sit down restaurant and EVERYONE was full!IMG_20160426_163422

IMG_20160426_170042Cake will have to wait as we ended the day full up. BUT here are some more pictures from when I was playing with the camera of the girls. Happy Birthday darling Trinity.DSCN1532

In her new purple dress with her koala bag.

In her new purple dress with her koala bag.



This entry was posted on 27/04/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Happy Birthday Boys!

February is crazy! So I figured I would drop a quick note to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY boys! Emanuel turned 10 on the 3rd!IMG_20160203_094642

Zander and Gavin are a ripe old 12 now as of February 5th!IMG_20160205_091216

We had a special couple days. ON the birthdate of course was the official picture. (above) Made even more special by the fact that we had the baby pictures at hand and not yet on the walls. I admit it, I have a hard time believing that those babies are now my big boys. Especially the twins at 3 lbs 1 3/4 oz a piece. You wouldn’t know to see them now!

Then the night of the date the boys got special dinner out with Daddy. This was a total surprise for Emanuel who we kept it from until AFTER choir that day when he and Ken left after dropping off the other 3 kids. Taco Bell for him and Arby’s and some great coupons for the twins.IMG_20160203_214648

They brought left overs home to share with me. Silly Daddy forgot to take a picture at the restaurant. I guess they had too much fun to remember.

They brought left overs home to share with me. Silly Daddy forgot to take a picture at the restaurant. I guess they had too much fun to remember.

The also got to open some presents on their days. Lovely t shirts from Gammie and a special small gift from us.IMAG2347

With phone calls from Grandma and Grandpa Mike and skyping with Nana and Baba… well we did it up right.

Then on Saturday their big present and dinner (with homemade cupcakes) at the Schwartz’s. 12, 12 and 10… who would have thought it??? IMG_20160206_124921




Love you boys!IMAG2475