Tag Archive | hairclips

Better Than Monday

In order to bring myself back up from the utter failure of Monday to complete ANYTHING I stayed up a bit later and did finish sewing the sash on Echo’s flowered dress… I plan on playing around with some ribbon and making a bow as well. I was toying with making it brown as well but think a splash of colour may be nice.

Just needs a bow

Luckily I set aside my ribbon box and marked it pink so I have it here. I am supposed to do a craft table on the 9th of June as part of a charity drive a friend is putting on. I have to donate a door prize and 10% of my sales… I figure to fill a table I will ask other friends to add their crafts and since it is in the same city as my mom I have a place to stay AND someone to pimp my stuff around town BEFORE the sale! BUT that means that in order to NOT loose a ton of time due to this move I need to stay productive in April. I have been making some owls out of Easter socks and plan to collect other socks through out the month to add to my stash (seriously, if you have some lonely socks laying around that are not horribly stained and worn send them my way!!).

I also remembered to set aside Easter clothes for the kids so even if my plans fall through I CAN take them outside in their pretty outfits and photograph them. I really have missed playing with photography. I think I am going to try and every 2 weeks do some serious attempts at it. I still need to do the boys’ yearly pictures… but I think I will wait til it is warm so we can do outside shots this year!

Today it was Zander’s turn for a special outing. We FINALLY managed to get the boy together WITH his glasses out to Lens Crafter where they put on new nose pieces, straightened them, fixed the arms so they are a wee bit longer (growth spurt!) and cleaned them for him. Then we stopped at A&W for lunch and then DOLLARAMA. Spoiled boy! 

Lucky boy

Actually Chris (she), myself AND Zander got our glasses adjusted. And at Dollarama we took our time perusing the merchandise. I picked up some paper (newsprint style but paper all the same), some Easter themed stickers, an egg dying kit (in case of cancelling Grandma’s) AND the cutest ears EVER! 

Can you believe only a dollar!

The boys worked on our thank-you card for the people involved in Echo’s surgery. All of the kids signed it, I just need to write my own thank you in. And hopefully add a picture of Echo as well. We are still working on our math, writing and reading. I am limited as my printer is in storage as is the bulk of my school supplies but we are making do. 

Echo had an accident today, she managed to get away from us and down the stairs with a piece of paper which she some how slipped on and smacked her head on the stairs… hard stairs of course. I think Mommy and Daddy were more upset than she was. 15 min or so with a cold cloth to her head and she was screaming to go again. She had a bit of a goose egg and a bruise by her eye but seems to be alright. 

Poor baby :(

Oh and I have to share my breakfast for today – ok NOT the most healthy but TOTAL noms! 


In fact, today has been a MUCH better day… I finished 2 more owl bodies… we fixed THREE pairs of glasses… AND I won something on Facebook! I just need to figure out how to get my hands on it since they are in the city we used to live in and we are here without a vehicle. Here’s hoping the trend continues! 

Baby bunny


The Big Day

Thursday was an overcast and cold morning… appropriate with what our day had in store. I was up BEFORE 4:30 am just due to nerves and Echo half waking up, so Ken, Echo and I snuggled in bed until I had to be up at 4:30 to shower and collect the pile of items we needed for our hospital adventure. And boy did we take A LOT! There was ALL of Echo’s buddies (Petite Sheepette, Alaskan Sock Monkey and dolly) as well as Fat Sheep and the puppy that plays Echo’s bedtime music. As well as the diaper bag, our snacks, the bag of “stuff to do” for Ken and myself, our overnight suitcase, the camera… the list goes on and on.

Ken “5 more minutes” himself into a rush but even so we were out the door by 5:15 and on our way to the hospital groggy baby in hand. It was a hard drive just with the anticipation of so much unknown and out of our control. The roads were pretty empty and we made good time and were there BEFORE 6. Which apparently meant NOTHING was open/unlocked. So we had to wait in the mezzanine. 

15/20 min later it was time to go into the pre-op and get the ball rolling… VERY SLOWLY… We were the first of 3 families in the door and the first to be checked in. They had to remake her red bracelet that had her blood number on it (it was way too tight and we had to cut it off), check her heartrate, breathing, temperature etc etc. We had to put on the little pink striped pj’s and discuss her cough yet again! They also put the numbing cream on her hands and covered them with plastic to start the process for an IV.

Can you tell Mommy was tired?


Pink striped!

After all that fun stuff was done it was time to hurry up and wait (it was around 6:30 at this point), apparently we had to be escorted up to the surgery floor which is in the new heart institute wing of the hospital. BUT there were only two nurses in at the time and the 3rd not slated to be in until 7. So we had to wait  for the 3rd to come on. That gave Echo time to poop (yay disposables thank you hospital), play and Ken to sneak some quick naps. 

At 7 we packed up our stuff and were off to the next stage… another hurry up and wait, this time in a rather small room. This one had so little room we had to crowd in our stroller and big glass doors. Echo was exhausted and fell asleep on me (I got the sole chair in the room) and Ken passed out for a while as well (he sat on the floor). The head anesthesiologist came in after we had been there about 30 min or so to talk about Echo’s cough (again!), explain that they were waiting on the surgeon and to ask if we had signed consent forms (nope). Then back to waiting. 

Finally the surgeon stopped in at like at quarter to 8 and chatted and we got the forms signed. Then at 8/8:05 it was time to walk to the or. I took Echo personally. It was hard… they had this tiny bench to lay her on and since the numbing cream also shrinks veins on the hands they could not find a good vein… so it was the gas. She fought so hard, crying and wringing her hands as we held her still and then… limp… that scared me. She looked so tiny and so breakable. And then I had to leave…

Leaving her there was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I had to rush myself out soother in hand so that I did not grab her and take her with me. The head anesthesiologist helped me find the main desk and Ken again thankfully where the receptionist handed me a whole box of tissues. Everyone was very understanding and no one made any sort of comment about how I should NOT cry (which is great cuz you could not have stopped me if you wanted to!). They have changed things a bit now – you don’t have to go and sit in a specific waiting room. Instead they take contact info (cell phone, etc) and give you a pager (looks a lot like the ones you get when waiting on a restaurant seating at The Mall) that works anywhere inside the hospital. We were quoted 2-4 hours on the length of surgery. And since I was so upset the receptionist made sure to call our cell to ensure we had the right number etc. 

She gave us directions to the cafeteria the served breakfast and told us to not worry too much and off we went. After a rather sad and quiet breakfast that I have to admit I only picked at we decided to wait in the closest waiting area to the surgery. This one had multiple tvs all set to different channels, some comfy couches and a place where Ken could charge his netbook. Thankfully I brought STACKS of manga to read to keep my mind occupied. 

The whole wheat blueberry pancakes I didn't eat

Comfy seat

A bit of a surprise, but after only ONE hour we were paged back to the surgery floor. We wasted NO time and were there in minutes. They then had us sit in a little waiting room (one without beds and monitors) to wait and see the surgeon. This took some time too (I assume they call you with time to the end of the surgery as if you are anywhere in the hospital it can take time to get back) and Ken stole ANOTHER nap while we reminded ourselves that the receptionist said she came through just fine.

We waited for our surgeon for a while who then came in and discussed the surgery and her post op care. He said that she did very well, and that they ended up putting in the memory metal barbell shaped piece (apparently her open vein was shaped like a funnel). We have to keep her on one baby aspirin a day for 6 months, if we notice her bruising easily we go down to every other day. As well they found a minor upper chest infection on her right side so she is on 10 days of antibiotics. On top of that we come back in a month for a check up. She was still mildly sedated and needed to keep her legs straight for a while. He let us know that we would see him again before we left (with the next day being the hoped for date) and that she was ok and then it was time for MORE waiting. 

Once whatever needed to be done was done and Echo was awake they brought us into the little glass door room we were in before to meet up with her again. Apparently she didn’t cry at all… until she saw us and then it was tears and a feeble attempt to get out of the bed. So into the bed went mommy to keep her still… and her legs straight. They wanted her legs straight until 1:30 (it was around 10 at this point). Thankfully she was kept somewhat sedated post surgery for a while so it actually wasn’t that difficult of a goal. I got to ride on the bed all the way to the wing she was to stay in over night. Poor baby was NOT happy. 

The iv... you can see the red from the stuff they put on to keep the area germ free

Her room had only two beds in it and when we got into it the second bed was for a newborn who left relatively soon after we were settled in. Each of the beds had a tv included. Ours was already set for Treehouse. They had to do the usual – heartrate, blood oxygen,  respiration and of course bloodpressure. Echo HATES having her bloodpressure taken. And with her iv in her foot she was rather cranky all round. They tried, it looked like, at least 5 places to get an iv in! 

Watching Treehouse

Poor Echo was groggy and lethargic for pretty much the rest of the day. Later on we ended up with a new roommate (a teenager who fractured her foot and needed surgery) but the day was rather quiet. We waited until it was past 1:30 and Echo could move a little more before we told Sean to come over and see her. He and Ken then went out to Subway to get me a late dinner. They don’t feed the parents after all, but there is a lovely little kitchenette with snacks for the kids in it so I was able to keep tempting Echo with different foods through out our time there. 

Ken napping on my bed

We really just spent the day focused on Echo. It was quiet with the nurses coming in from time to time to check on Echo and record things. We got to our room in time for Echo to have lunch (sort of… pick at) and then dinner… Ken stuck around until almost 8pm but he really couldn’t stay the night. That left Echo and myself to sort ourselves out. She didn’t fall asleep until past 9pm… 

Just us girls

As a added snuggle buddy for our healing baby I also finished up one of the owls I had in my to do bag to give to her. Oh and put her YAY you made it through surgery bow on for some special photographs! 

With bow

I tried to sleep before the 11pm check with the nurse but there was a baby on the ward that I later found out was basically starving itself for some unknown reason who was screaming for over an hour. Thankfully after 11 I was able to curl up and fall asleep. It was a bit of a hidden blessing that we DID have to wait a day for surgery. The weather took a turn for the nasty on Thursday with a fresh fall of snow. 


It was a very difficult day but Echo came through with flying colours and caused nurses to fall in love with her all over the place. I am so very thankful to EVERYONE at the hospital who had a hand in her diagnosis, surgery and recovery. Everyone has been so wonderful. I am equally thankful that this entire experience is to be a one time thing! 

A sign our baby is getting better... she rolled over!

This entry was posted on 26/03/2012, in Uncategorized. 4 Comments

Boxing Day Reinsch-Johnson Style

For those of us in Canada it was Boxing Day on the 26th… which for our family means and additional fun day. We do not do the sale shopping or rush out to buy key items but instead stay home and have fun with the gifts we received at Christmas! Oh and eat left overs… lots and lots of left overs! 

Baby dolly... if it is hard to tell the real one is on the right hehe

I am sure you can imagine the chaos that is 5 over stimulated small children in a house full of new toys! It was not until past 2 pm when the word of Daddy came down and they FINALLY cleaned up AND settled down. Echo had a LONG nap in the afternoon, surprisingly so did Trinity and Emanuel! The twins even spent a couple hours in their room holed up with their new toys. Gavin has decided that he is an artist since not only did Mommy and Daddy get him an art set but his Aunty Holly and Uncle James got him a lovely paints set! 

Trinity with her new hairclips

Emanuel and I spent some time making a penguin - note the massive amount of MARKERS on his hand!


Our evening was still rather festive. Ice cream party! Well, for the adults. Kristen and Fydo had forgotten ice cream that Fydo and Ken had purchased the weekend of the party over here so instead of trucking it back we had a mini party. A great way to end the few days Ken had off. He told his contracts he would only be available for EMERGENCIES and did have to explain to one (Canadian?? silly people) company that it was Boxing Day so NO he was not going to do regular work… that does NOT qualify as emergency, sorry.


...and ice cream

We made a decision for next Christmas already – we plan on doing a 100% handmade gifting Christmas. So the goal is to have EVERYTHING we give people be made by us… can we do it? 

This entry was posted on 27/12/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments