Tag Archive | Birthday Cake

Looking Back at October

Surprise Surprise… I am almost current! Woo! Well, October is Halloween (of course), and Ken’s birthday (39 this year!) AND Canadian Thanksgiving (yup this Canadian girl still celebrates).img_20161031_152445

We started off the month with a trip to Home Depot.imag0264

Visited a pumpkin patch with a lovely group of friends.img_20161001_162221



We all got a little sunburned after so much time in the sun.

We all got a little sunburned after so much time in the sun.

We visited the Schwartz family for a bonfire and shooting off of rockets.img_20161008_001415

img_20161007_192521Spent time at the Novak’s.img_20161029_224818




And had them over to our place as well.

We met Chloe, Anthony's girlfriend.

We met Chloe, Anthony’s girlfriend.

Enjoyed all the colours of fall.img_20161024_164205

img_20161028_20475120161022_151419_hdr20161022_151353We learned about bats and made our very own cave in the cabinet.img_20161012_224046

We found plenty of time to do crafts and worksheets and learn as best we could.img_20161025_131702

img_20161005_142641img_20161018_145547img_20161017_112932img_20161017_112816img_20161020_143858We celebrated Nathan’s birthday at a super fun trampoline place.img_20161026_002015

20161025_19194420161025_192009_hdrSang in the choir at church.img_20161009_114542

img_20161002_151905We spent time at the YMCA – swimming, working out and club.img_20161030_185547

20161027_192701img_20161009_223653I crocheted whenever I could.img_20161028_204721

Early Christmas present for my sister in law - a cupcake blanket

Early Christmas present for my sister in law – a cupcake blanket



And we snuck out on the warm days.img_20161022_152440

Cleaning the van.

Cleaning the van.

20161024_16302020161024_163257October was a lovely refocus of our time. Lots of friends and family and quiet celebrations (we had take out for Thanksgiving, nothing fancy).




Lovely hair by one of the girls who run cluby

Lovely hair by one of the girls who run cluby

So enjoy the photos and the memories as I work my way to current and we currently wrap up 2016.

Playing Magic

Playing Magic


Doing her own hair.

Doing her own hair.


Fishing for letters

Fishing for letters

Sneaking out for coffee at Caribou.

Sneaking out for coffee at Caribou.





Ready for dinner out

Ready for dinner out



This entry was posted on 27/12/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Happy Birthday Miss Echo

6 years old… where has the time gone? My wee bionic baby is now 6 years old!! (for more on the journey that was her heart surgery go HERE, HEREHERE, and HERE) Since she is now a self proclaimed BIG GIRL she was in charge of planning out her wish list for things to do.IMG_20160813_133418

First of all, Wednesday before she joined us for shopping at Sam’s Club so she could pick out her very own birthday outfit. She settled on an adorable dress that cost me less than 6.00! Score! Then on Friday we went all the way to Target so she could pick out her own cake, candles, and icing for Daddy to write on the cake with… Pokemon, pink and white and pink.

Sign by Trinity

Sign by Trinity

20160813_09175320160813_091944Her requests were pretty simple… but first she had to FaceTime with Nana and Baba and open her present from them and THEN talk to Grandma on the phone.20160813_093351

Next was the all important task of going to Toys’r’us to get the one thing Echo has been asking for for almost a whole year – her very own 18 inch doll. With 12 options it was a VERY serious decision!IMG_20160813_160500

After that was accomplished it was off to McDonald’s. Specifically one with a PLAY AREA. Ken and I had forgotten how loud those places are! She was so pleased. (we made sure to pack socks)IMG_20160813_160912

THEN it was off to the pool… which turned out to be closed for filtration issues… so we brainstormed with our homeschool buddies who were joining us and headed over to our favourite beach for presents, playing and general fun stuff.IMG_20160813_160351


20160813_15255220160813_144124Our  evening was topped off with a visit from our friend Anthony, Chinese for dinner… CAKE of course…IMG_20160813_195620

And a most awesome costume gift!

Batman Girl with BATTLE SWORD

Batman Girl with BATTLE SWORD



I think we did good. She snuck into our closet at bedtime with her sword and her doll under the very blanket she was given post surgery. Happy Birthday little darling!20160813_232725

This entry was posted on 18/08/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

July Long Past

Well, my goal of making my blog up to date BEFORE the end of January was a bit of a miss! But, amazingly enough, I have posted more than 2000 blog posts since I began this site! What a stretch! But then again, I have enjoyed pretty much every addition to it.

Now that I have posted June it is time to look at July… Canada Day, Independence Day… we manage both sides of the coin this month. You can see our Canada Day finery HERE and Independence Day HERE. We were spoiled with also spending a portion of cousin Gabbi’s birthday with her since it too is on July 4th and their vacation had stretched to meet the date.DSCN0723DSCN0538

We had amazing Pad Thai dinner with the Schwartz family… which also included time with the always entertaining Mystro (cue Echo asking ONCE AGAIN when we will get a cat, even the pictures set her off lately!).DSCN0562

DSCN0561DSCN0556We had an awesome time at Aidan’s Lego themed birthday party. Darcy went all out with the theme and Emanuel was over the moon to see at least one of his scouting buddies when they were not in session.DSCN0569

DSCN0571DSCN0588I wish I had the talent Darcy has with cakes. I am honestly more of a go to Target and order a cake kinda girl lately.DSCN0564

July was also when Grandpa Mike made his bike trip up through Minnesota. We got a whole afternoon/evening with him (minus swimming lessons). The kids were over the moon with the visit.DSCN0712

On the phone with Grandma

On the phone with Grandma

Showing him the nearby park (Echo was napping)

Showing him the nearby park (Echo was napping)

He even took us out to Wendy’s for dinner! It was the longest we ever sat there and one of the most enjoyable ever.DSCN0717

DSCN0718Sadly he had to bike on earlier than expected the next day when he got news of a need to visit family up in Ontario. But it was a good visit and the kids still remember it fondly.DSCN0721

We had plenty of time for learning and school in July with cousins back home and the weather rather fine.

Gavin is working on his art skills

Gavin is working on his art skills

Wild Kratts: fossa

Wild Kratts: fossa

DSCN0725DSCN0724Miss Echo was a laugh and a half most of the time.DSCN0731

DSCN0751But we made LOTS of time for the pool. And in turn my sewing time. After all, sunshine, warm weather and a pool in the yard… why stay inside?DSCN0748

DSCN0839Towards the end of July we were able to also make it to Alex’s birthday. Another awesome day, though we had to leave early to make it to YMCA lessons (did I ever get a lecture from the kids for that one!).DSCN0770

DSCN0766DSCN0797We lucked out with weather and free time and managed to meet up with the Novaks at one of their local splash pads. It is easier each year to go out and just relax, what with the older Novak boys and our own kids being older. A lot less micro managing. It is nice!DSCN0825

DSCN0829DSCN0831Multiple visits with the Novaks and the Schwartz family were experienced in July. Poor Trinity, so many boys!!!DSCN0761


Extra bonus – visit with Alicia and Cousin Robbie. She is off to university in the fall!!DSCN0832

We rounded out the month with swimming lessons. I am so pleased with how well all of our kids are doing. We are going to end up with little fishes very soon!!!DSCN0842

And of course continued our archery, cooking and running classes at the YMCA thanks to Nana and Baba!DSCN0808

DSCN0807So really July was an exercise in making the most of fun in the sun! We didn’t do half bad did we???DSCN0837

This entry was posted on 09/03/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment